Saturday, August 29, 2009

Virus Alert!

Influenza virus (H1N1) is spreading up all around the world especially the post-summer season will be fatal. It is said, half of the U.S citizens may be infected by this flu and 1 in 5 Japanese will be infected. At present, prevention is important for eradicate any fatality in the humans. Though some developed countries already manufactured vaccines against this flu, those are not enough. Japan intends to start supplying vaccines at the end of October only for children, older people and patients suffered from cardiac, renal or diabetes. Most of the southeast asian countries are densely populated, so, there might be a chance of having fatality due to H1N1 infection. Some important suggestions are mentioned: (1) Use of face mask especially in the densely populated area, (2) washing hands and gargle after coming home. This flu is mainly spreaded from sneeze and cough, so, during sneeze and/or cough, faces should be protected by hand or handkerchief. In another note, children, geriatric population, and people suffering from cardiac, renal or endocrine diseases, must take precautions against this flu. Finally, it is suggested that prevention of this flu is obligatory to refrain from vast fatality in the mankind.

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