Wednesday, August 19, 2009

H1N1-flu induced deaths in Japan!

Three H1N1 induced-deaths have been confirmed in Japan, those are initial cases since 'swine-flu' was announced pandemic by WHO (World Health Organization). It is suggested, children and older people as well as patients of cardiac, renal and diabetes are more vulnerable to this flu (H1N1). It is a critical issue that this flu might have genetic mutations inside the body, thus brings more fatalities. Medical professionals in Bangladesh have much duties to prevent vast fatalities, due to densely populated region. There might be chance of getting 'vaccine' against this H1N1-flu in Japan at the end of this year. However, at present, it is wise to have mask in the crowded places and it is obviously necessary to wash hands and perform salt water gargle while come back home from outside. When body temp will rise up to 39 degree centigrade with somewhat muscle-ache, one must require to visit nearby hospital or clinic for check up. H1N1-flu induced fatalities must be prevented as it is already a pandemic around the world.

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