Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Facts of heat stroke!

Nowadays, world temperature is getting higher due to climate change. It is suggested, this year, the average temperature of summer is higher than previous years, that is susceptible to heat stroke and eventually fatality. Normal human body temperature is 37 degree centigrade. Hence, the increase in body temperature due to physiological cause such as high environmental temperature, inferring ‘heat stroke’. Usually, it is said that when core body temperature exceeds 40 degree centigrade, heat stroke is commenced. Usually, the elderly people ( > 65 y.o.) are sufferer, study suggests. However, younger people are not out of risk of heat stroke – that might be caused by summer-hiking in the hot and humid environment. The critical pathological phenomenon is multiple organ damage due to cardiovascular failure in the chronic stage of heat stroke. The vital organs those might be affected are liver and kidney and as well as muscle. It is suggested to take adequate fluid (water) and cooling of body with wet towel in the hot and humid environment. Hence, subjects suffering from heat stroke should be transferred to the critical care unit for emergency management.

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