Thursday, April 8, 2010

Subarachnoid hemorrhage – a silent killer!

Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SA) is a devastating clinical phenomenon mostly commenced at the middle age (30 to 40 year). It is acknowledged that cerebral artery aneurism (dilated vessel) is a fatal procedure on this issue to initiate bleeding inside the brain from ruptured artery. Until now, the cause is unknown – demonstrating that high blood pressure, diabetes are responsible for this disease procedure; however, some studies suggest that SA is not related with these diseases. Genetic disorder can be mentioned on this issue. Closed head injury is also another precipitating cause of cerebral artery aneurism. The worst is this, the dilatation of artery has no clinical feature that after vessel-rupture, the patient feels mild headache. Now, it is obligatory to abstain from this disease procedure – imaging screening should be an ideal method. In another, from the middle decade of life, regular monitoring of blood pressure relating with imaging scanning method might be suggested, when any predisposing symptom is noticed. CT scan of head is one option.

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